6 Signs You Should Change That Mattress Now!

6 Signs You Should Change That Mattress Now!

Do you often find it difficult to enjoy a good night's sleep? Do you have to drag yourself out of bed when your morning alarm rings? Do you dream about going to a hotel to get that elusive eight hours of good night's sleep? If your answers to the above questions are in the affirmative, you are sleep deprived. Before you start considering sleeping pills, you may want to check your mattress. Most people tend to forget the fact that their mattresses have a significant role to play in their sleep routines.

Generally, mattresses have a long life of at least ten years. In most cases, they last longer by a couple of more years. As it is a significant investment, most people tend to delay it. In the process, they compromise their quality of sleep and also of their life.

Here are six signs that you need to buy a new mattress.

An Unhappy Body

After a good night's sleep, your body should feel fresh, and you should be brimming with energy in the morning. If instead of feeling well-rested, you wake up with body aches and sore muscles, it is a sure-shot sign that you need to buy a new mattress.

A good mattress takes the shape of your body and provides the right support to your pressure points. On the other hand, a worn-out mattress will put more pressure on your back and neck instead of offering comfort. As a result, you will find yourself tossing and turning for a long time before you can finally fall asleep.

Another indication is when you wake up with sore muscles that gradually get better in the day. In such scenarios, it is your mattress or your sleeping posture that is to be blamed. It is advisable to change your body posture first. If the aches persist, it is time to gift yourself a new mattress.

Poor Quality Of Sleep

Experts say that it should take between 10-20 minutes to fall asleep. If you are stressed, it may take more time. On the days when you feel you're overwhelmed due to stress, you can try meditation before sleeping. Other medical problems that hamper your sleep are insomnia and anxiety. In some cases, your mattress could be the culprit if you are not suffering from any of these problems. A mattress that is too soft or too firm will not offer the right support to your body. As a result, you will keep changing your posture before you can fall asleep.

Also, you will awaken restlessly a couple of times during the night. If you are one of those people who find it difficult to go back to sleep after mid-sleep awakenings, you could become seriously sleep-deprived.

When you cannot sleep properly, you will notice that your memory, alertness and creativity also goes for a toss. The poor quality of sleep is also empirically associated with a higher probability of depression.

Heightened Allergies

Do you have a known history of dust or mites allergy, and have you seen an unexplained spike in recent times? Do you consistently wake up with watery or puffy eyes and sneeze multiple times in the mornings?

If yes, your mattress has probably turned old and needs to be replaced. The materials inside your mattresses tend to catch dust that builds up over time. If you have been there, you would know how these allergies can deteriorate your lifestyle. It is advisable to change your mattress if your allergy-like symptoms have been on the rise off late.

You Sleep Better At Other Places

Do you tend to sleep like a baby at places other than your bed? Have you sensed it consistently? If yes, your mattress could be the reason you can't sleep well in your own home.

Your home is your comfort zone, and your bedroom should be the epitome of comfort. You should be able to recharge your body after a day of hectic work in your home. At times, there are other factors such as too much light or excessive heat or cold that may impact your sleep. If everything else seems to be right, changing your mattress might do the trick.

Your Mattress Doesn't Look Or Sound Good

Do you have a noticeable sag or bump in your mattress? Does it feel softer or stiffer than before? Does it squeak or make other sounds when you toss and turn on it? Spring mattresses tend to lose their resiliency with time. When it is too old, the springs may even break. As a result, you will notice that the mattress starts retaining the impression of the body or sags in the middle.

In memory or foam mattresses, the core tends to soften with excessive usage. It causes sagging when you lie down on your bed. When sagging occurs, your pressure points do not get the necessary support. Sagging is the main cause of body aches.

The Mattress Sleeps Hot

Memory foam can give you sweaty and uncomfortable nights. It happens when the foam is not of good quality. Made of synthetic materials, it tends to absorb body heat, and poor air circulation traps the heat inside.

The new-age mattresses are designed to resolve this issue. These days, manufacturers use new-age technology and different materials for the mattress to not radiate heat.

If you have decided to get a new mattress because your existing one has been giving you sweaty nights, make it a point to pay special attention to the foam. Choose a lighter density one that allows better air circulation.


It may not occur to you, but changing your mattress can do wonders to your sleep patterns. If you have been suffering from consistent sleepless nights, you may want to evaluate the condition of your mattress and replace it.

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